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Social Media Law Practice (Social Media Attorney): Protecting Brands and Trademarks

As an experienced Social Media Law attorney, Advocate Rahul Dev provides legal advice, counselling and litigation services regarding:

• Protecting Brands and Trademarks in Social Media
• Brand and Trademark Monitoring in Social Media
• Username Squatting and Recovery
• Social Selling and Fans Use of Trademarks
• Social Media Policies

With the explosion of social media – Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – businesses can greatly increase their contact with customers and attract potential new business online. This presents unique opportunities for developing brand recognition, but also presents new problems with trademark infringement and brand confusion. The millions of users who use social media daily create a broad marketplace for businesses to build brand recognition online. The return on investment (ROI) for social media marketing can be enormous.

Social media also dramatically increases the opportunity for social and peer-to-peer selling. While this presents a number of positive opportunities for businesses, the potential for brand confusion, negative public relations, and worse, trademark infringement has increased exponentially due to the nature of social media.

Advocate Rahul Dev’s Social Media Law practice is focused on providing companies with counselling and advice on protecting their trademarks and brands online, avoiding brand confusion in social media, and creating social media policies for employees to address unique employment issues presented by employees engaging in social media on behalf of companies.

For example, a difficult problem arises when a brand owner fails to register as a username on social media sites its key trademark or brand identity and that username is taken by a third party. This is known as username squatting, which can present greater problems than even cybersquatters (where a third party registers an Internet domain name containing a trademark) because the millions of people participating in social media may be confused by the posts and other online activities of the third party or username squatter.

For any queries, please contact at rd (at) patentbusinesslawyer (dot) com.


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